Our Story

Our story at The Fox Foundation began over six years ago, ignited by a profound idea: to make a meaningful difference in The Bahamas. From the outset, our mission was clear: we aimed to address pressing needs in vital areas such as education, youth development, community building, and disaster relief. Guided by this vision, we embarked on a mission to create enduring impact.

Driven by commitment

Our commitment to the well-being of Bahamians has remained steadfast from day one. We recognized that to effect real change, we needed to stand shoulder to shoulder with the communities we serve. This unwavering dedication has transformed us into an integral part of The Bahamas' social fabric, with a singular focus on enhancing the lives of individuals and fortifying community strength.

  • Dedication to The Bahamas

    Our commitment to the well-being of Bahamians has been unwavering since day one.

We understood that to make a real difference, we needed to stand side by side with the communities we serve. This dedication has led us to become an integral part of The Bahamas' social fabric, with a focus on improving the lives of individuals and the strength of communities.

  • A Community-Driven Approach

    Our work is not about us; it's about the people we serve.

We've seen firsthand the incredible potential and spirit within Bahamian communities. Our approach is rooted in collaboration, impact, and sustainability. We work closely with local organizations and a global network of philanthropists to fund and manage projects that directly benefit the community. By identifying specific needs, leveraging resources, and implementing innovative solutions, we aim to create lasting change.