Community Development

At The Fox Foundation, we believe in the power of strong and thriving communities. Our commitment to community development is deeply ingrained in our mission to enrich the lives of Bahamians. Explore the various initiatives through which we actively contribute to the growth and unity of local communities.

Community Centers

We understand the importance of having dedicated spaces where communities can come together, learn, and celebrate. The Fox Foundation has been instrumental in the construction of community centers that serve as hubs for education, cultural activities, and social gatherings. These centers stand as symbols of unity and empowerment.

Cleanup Initiatives

A clean and well-maintained environment is the foundation of a thriving community. The Fox Foundation actively engages in community cleanup initiatives to enhance the beauty and cleanliness of local neighborhoods. We believe that a clean community not only promotes physical well-being but also uplifts spirits and instills a sense of pride.

Holiday Season Donations

At The Fox Foundation, we believe that the holiday season is a time for joy, generosity, and togetherness. We actively engage in Christmas donation initiatives to bring smiles to the faces of those in our communities who may need a little extra support during this special time of year.

Back-to-School Donations

Education is the key to a brighter future, and The Fox Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that every child has access to quality learning experiences. Our back-to-school donation initiatives are designed to equip students with the tools and resources they need to succeed academically.

  • Going back to school should be an exciting time for every child, but for some families, it can be financially challenging. The Fox Foundation collects and distributes school supplies to students in need, helping to alleviate the financial burden on parents and caregivers.

  • A sturdy backpack is more than just a school accessory; it's a symbol of hope and confidence for students. Our backpack drives provide children with quality backpacks that are not only practical but also instill a sense of pride in their education journey.

  • Our back-to-school initiatives extend to supporting local schools with much-needed resources, from classroom supplies to technology upgrades. We believe that strong schools are the backbone of strong communities.